Land Mobility Enterprise LEO Solutions

Revolutionising Mobile Satellite Connectivity Across Industries

Unlock new horizons in land mobility with Sat.One's global high-speed coverage and low latency solutions, designed to connect the unconnected in Australia and New Zealand's most remote locations.

Connection everywhere on the move

In the vast and varied landscapes of Australia and New Zealand, where terrestrial networks reach their limits, Sat.One is innovating broad-band speeds in Enterprise-grade low-earth-orbit connectivity. Our satellite solutions offer rapid deployment, ensuring your enterprise thrives with reliable connectivity in even the most isolated or transient locations. Embrace the future of connectivity with our flexible, scalable solutions that empower real-time decision-making, analytics, and IoT applications, driving performance and efficiency across your operations.

Connectivity Deep in the Mines

Enable real-time data transmission and enhance safety in remote mining operations with our reliable land-mobile connectivity solutions, ensuring seamless communication even in Australia's and New Zealand's most secluded mining sites.

Reliable Connectivity for Emergency Services

Support first responders with instant, reliable communication capabilities, crucial during critical operations. Our solutions ensure that emergency services stay connected, no matter where their mission takes them.

Keeping Transportation Networks Connected

Ensure continuous communication and tracking for transportation networks across vast and remote areas. Our land-mobile solutions provide the backbone for reliable connectivity, essential for logistics and fleet management.

Building Connections on the Go

Facilitate instant communication and data exchange across construction sites, regardless of location. Our solutions support the construction industry's need for robust connectivity in evolving and remote environments.

Advancing Agriculture with Connectivity

Empower your agricultural operations with real-time data and IoT capabilities, enhancing productivity and decision-making, even in the most remote farmlands of Australia and New Zealand.

Strategic Connectivity for Defence Operations

Empower defence forces with secure, reliable, and rapid-deployment communication solutions, ensuring uninterrupted connectivity in critical missions across Australia and New Zealand's diverse terrains. Sat.One's robust network supports strategic operations, real-time coordination, and enhanced situational awareness, essential for national security.

Explore Our Range of Advanced User Terminals

Tailored for Oceania's harsh and demanding conditions, our selection of high-performance terminals from Intellian, Kymeta, and Inster ensures reliable connectivity wherever you are.

Intellian: Compact and Advanced

Experience the cutting-edge technology of Intellian's flat-panel user terminals, featuring Electronic Steered Phased Array Antennas. These compact and lightweight terminals are perfect for operations requiring mobility and efficiency, providing reliable connectivity even in the diverse terrains of ANZ.

Kymeta: Robust Connectivity

Kymeta's user terminals redefine robustness with their durable flat-panel design and Holographic Beamforming technology. Ideal for environments where durability and performance are paramount, Kymeta ensures consistent and reliable communication for your land-mobile needs.

Ultimate Portability

Inster's folding, portable flat-panel terminals are a game-changer for on-the-go connectivity, easily fitting into a backpack. Designed for rapid deployment and flexibility, Inster terminals provide a versatile solution for mobile operations in ANZ's challenging conditions.

Interested in partnering with us?

Join us in shaping the future of connectivity. Whether you're looking to become a part of our esteemed partner network or seeking exceptional LEO connectivity solutions for your enterprise, Sat.One offers unparalleled opportunities for growth and collaboration. Discover how our partner program can elevate your business or get in touch to explore our innovative connectivity solutions.