Channel Partners

Partner with Sat.One: Elevate Your Connectivity Solutions

Join Sat.One's partner program and harness the power of our enterprise LEO satellite network to expand your offerings, drive growth, and deliver exceptional value to your customers in key industries across Australia and New Zealand.

Seize the Unprecedented Opportunity in LEO Connectivity Across ANZ

In the fast-evolving global communications landscape, Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite technology stands out as a transformative force, particularly across Australia and New Zealand (ANZ). LEO connectivity offers an unmatched opportunity, providing high-speed, low-latency internet access that surpasses the constraints of traditional networks.

ANZ's vast rural areas, remote locales, and extensive maritime zones present unique connectivity challenges, which LEO satellites are set to revolutionise. This technology promises comprehensive coverage, fostering innovation, enhancing operational efficiency, and stimulating economic growth.

For channel resell partners, the LEO market in ANZ is ripe with potential, catering to diverse sectors such as mining, agriculture, healthcare, and education, alongside crucial services like emergency response, government, and maritime. Partnering with Sat.One places you at the vanguard of this connectivity revolution, enabling you to offer superior solutions to your customers, expand your reach, and drive your business forward in the digital transformation era.

Partner Program Benefits

Unlock Exclusive Benefits with Sat.One's Partner Program

Become a pivotal part of our success by joining Sat.One's partner program, designed to foster growth, engagement, and reward. Our program offers a suite of benefits tailored to support our partners in system integration, managed IT, and telecommunications services. With Sat.One, you gain access to performance rewards, dedicated support, and exclusive margins, empowering you to deliver unparalleled connectivity solutions to industries like mining, healthcare, education, and more. Embrace the opportunity to drive digital transformation for your clients with Sat.One's cutting-edge satellite technology.

Competitive Margins

Enjoy exceptional margins on Sat.One connectivity and hardware, enhancing profitability.

Exclusive Discounts

Access standard partner discounts, opportunity registration benefits, and incentives for cross-selling and upselling.

Performance Rewards

Benefit from a structured rewards system that aligns with your commitment, activity, and growth in the program.

Marketing Support

Leverage co-branded collaterals, market development funds, and joint case study development to boost your market presence.

Sales and Technical Enablement

Receive comprehensive AM, BDM, and Solution Architect enablement to enhance your team's expertise in Sat.One solutions.

Dedicated Support

Get prioritised support from Sat.One Channel Managers, including solution design, deployment support, and escalation assistance.

Partner Portal Access

Utilise a robust partner portal for opportunity registration, lead distribution, marketing resources, and support case management.

Training and Certification

Access Sat.One's training and certification programs to build and validate your team's expertise in our solutions.

Business Planning and Joint Activity Planning

Engage in strategic business and joint activity planning with Sat.One to align goals and drive mutual success.

Renewal Rewards

Enjoy benefits for customer retention and renewals, ensuring long-term revenue streams.

Lead Referral Program

Participate in a lead referral program that aligns with your capabilities and market focus, enhancing your business opportunities.

Partner Recognition

Gain recognition through Sat.One's Partner of the Year Awards and have the opportunity to join the Partner Council for strategic collaboration.

Learn more about our partner program

Ready to Transform Connectivity? Join Us Now

Discover the full potential of partnering with Sat.One and how our innovative network can enhance your service portfolio. Whether you're targeting sectors like smart energy, government, or marine, our dedicated team is here to support your journey. Get in touch to learn more about our partner program, the application process, and how we can achieve mutual success. Let's redefine connectivity together.

We do ask a few questions so that we can better understand things, but know that your personal details are cared for like we would care for our own. Read our Privacy Policy for more information.
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Join Our Partner Program.

Join us in shaping the future of connectivity. Sat.One offers unparalleled opportunities for growth and collaboration. Discover how our partner program can elevate your business or get in touch to explore our innovative connectivity solutions.