5 FAQs

June 14th 2021

Posted by Rob Rutkowski on Jun 15, 2021 With the recent start of the new space revolution and the rapid growth of Low Earth Orbit (LEO) constellation technology in recent years, there have been tons of questions being asked as to what all these new LEO satellite innovations and technologies are all about.

The LEO industry is skyrocketing with many new groundbreaking opportunities arising as new technologies are developed. Some even refer to this growth as the fourth industrial revolution. We're already seeing major players arise in this industry such as SpaceXOneWeb, and Blue Origin. These are currently among the top companies in a race to bring the internet to the entire globe via Low Earth Orbit satellites.

In this post, we're going to answer:

  • What exactly is the purpose of these large LEO constellations?

  • Why are so many satellites needed?

  • How are LEO satellites different from traditional satellites?

  • Which frequency bands will these constellations operate on?

  • Who are the current major players in this space? (No pun intended)

Read the full Article here.